Just for fun's dont forget to click that thumbs up button..

Here it goes

1Million Ways of getting banned from K-Mart, Target, or all those convenient big stores....

1. Throw Skittles at people and yelling "TASTE THE RAINBOW"
2. Steal products and sell them for TRIPLE the price just right out the store
3. Waste "JASONS" (Theres always a Jason in the store) Time by asking him stupid random questions
4. Eat all their candy
5. Hack Their Computers
6. walk around the store darting in and out of isles all the while humming the Mission Impossible theme song.
7. take a dummies clothes and model them
8.. run into the dressing room wait a couple mins and yell "theres no toilet paper in here"
9. steal some paintball guns and play a MASSIVE paintball war!
10. have a food fight with the food samples.
11. while no one is watching switch the men and womens restroom signs,

And many more to come post your own this is a thread to get some laughs while we wait for something cool to happen this does not mean you do any of the above remember i warned you