Elite Zodia maps are coming and I doubt Skull axe+Chas arm Proc combo buff will suffice in terms of mob clearing.
it's already hard to clear mobs (Using war class) on Normal Zodia maps even with 2k+ str and currently, Rage war ult is needed to decently clear mobs using skull axe+chas arm.

Polaris is a bit harder to use compared to Neptaris. The atk speed is slower,the charge time is way slower, bad at bosses with knockback/dodge/immune to throw axe/ and bosses that move a lot (Like the boogie).It makes sense that polaris proc should be used on mobs(with aoe damage and severe slow) but....the 3 target limit is a bit depressing.
2 charge atk procs on polaris will only 6mobs...3 if not 1 shot. That's really bad in terms of mob clearing.
What I'd like to see though is a slight buff on that limit.

Either buff the target limit to 4 or a chance on 3 targets to 5 targets.
Or somethin else entirely the buff that 3 target Polaris Proc limit.

I think this Proc Target Limit is what hinders the Polaris Aegis to be useful on mobs...
anyw ty for anyone who'll read this xD.