To start please fix the interaction with the portal to zavier's dimension it is buggy and spam clicking the portal until it finally lets you in is very annoying.

The only other thing I don't understand is why we have legendary and mythic eggs in the locks when they are global loot. These eggs seem to just be fillers in the loot table to make it even harder to loot heroics and arcanes.

If you are running randoms it is common courtesy to wait for others before you kill the boss I'm sure most of you are aware of that but I've heard people complain so just a reminder.

If you aren't looting anything good and your friends are it's not because they are using better luck gear or more luck % it is a rng just keep grinding you will get those eggs eventually!

Oh and to conserve even more time on your elix the person who opens the elixir should always join kt4 last so you aren't waiting for your teammates who may disconnect or are just talking to friends and afk.

Lastly don't open locks they suck, too many filler items in the chest for you to get anything substantial you are better off buying eggs from people rush selling in kt4 or exp camp.
