When I first talked about this, I was met with lots of "You only want them changed cuz you are lazy", "Play with seasonals", "If it was easy, all players would be in LB". Well, now that I have maxed my APs "the hard way", I wanna touch on this topic again.

There's no real way to finish these APs alone. It requires a full party with atleast 3 holders. Its nearly impossible to find players who wanna do these APs, and even more difficult to find players with holders. Not even seasonals wanna run them. If you look at the seasonal lb for this season, you'll see only 2 players finished this APs

I made a thread seeking people to farm M6 aps with. While I got many replies, none of them actually played even once with me. Mainly, due to time-zone differences.

Its not about easy or hard, its about being able to do them alone in a reasonable time. With my gears, in a party, I averaged 1 boss per 2 min. But when i did it alone, it took me 15min to do 1 boss. You see the absurd disparity? There shouldn't be this much of a difference doing APs alone compared to doing in a party. Doing solo should take like 1 or 2 min more, not 12 more minutes per boss!

You shouldn't have to beg your entire friend's list to run with you to finish the APs.

I am not sure if there's a way to fix this problem. No matter how you look at it, running with a party will always be 10x better due to being able to get 4 m6 maps out of 1 m5 map. But I will propose something that will atleast easen up the burden on someone looking to get this APs done.

I'd like to propose that m6 pass to be purchasable for 100k gold each. It will cost 100m to finish these APs alone then but 75 heroics cost about the same, but atleast they will be do-able. And if running with a party, it will only cost 25m per player. So in the end, its still better to run with a party, but you dont have to desperately look for people if u have the budget.
