Hello everyone and thank you for taking a look at this thread. I have made this thread in order to adress the issue of "boosting" in the game Pocket Legends. I will present my view of it and explain what I believe should be done, rather than what is happening at the moment. Right now people are complaining that the leaderboards are ruined because of "boosters" both pve and pvp. What are boosters? I pvp booster, is someone who does as follows: has two ipods and farms one of their characters in pvp; or pays someone in order that they might let them kill that person repeatedly. What can be done about this? I will try my best to explain the best approach to this situation. (if I am incorrect in any area please bring it to my attention, thank you.)

1. "If it ain't broken, Don't fix it." First of all I would like to call to my viewers attention that actual standing of the pve/pvp leaderboard. Here is the pve top five: Oreii 500,000 kills, Sxybabrz 309,758 kills, Argotthewicked 292,124 kills, Queenofcakes 216,016 kills, Htiek 211,622 kills. If I am correct Oreii did NOT boost. I know for a fact Sxybabrz did not boost either as well as argotthewicked and htiek. In other words (once again only if I'm correct) Queenofcakes is the only booster. What does this mean? I believe it proves that getting to top level is, in fact, more efficiant than boosting! now the pvp leaderboard. I'm not going to list it. I know every top 5 player personally and I know for a fact that not a single one boosted. so what's the deal with the boosting?

2. "all for naught" So, if the current "solution" to the problem is put into action here (from what I can see) is going to be some of the effects: Wasted gold, every penny spent on twink items will be wasted. Once twinks are no good the price will drop like a lead balloon. There will be no refund. Time. Lots and lots of hours on end will have been for nothing. More importantly than all, Money. I myself have spent about 20 platinum on my twink. All of that was now a waste. Another effect is this: PL will begin to not make as much money. After all, the platinum items are not supposed to be as efficiant as the real items. and if you can't stop at a certain level except for pvp, why would someone wanna buy platinum items until at maximum level? Finally, I submit to you that many people (such as myself) will quit the game. (keep in mind this is only with the current solution. I didn't say there wasn't another)

3. "Come let us reason together" I will now adress some of the issues that people had against the pve "boosters." First they said that it requires no skill and that you have 0% chance of dying. Is that totally true? well, I believe not entirely. Will you never die? depends on where you are boosting. I "boost" in forest haven so I'll adress that. The only way I would die in forest haven is if entered the "skeleton cult cripts." I never do....so in saying that people have "0% chance of dying" you would be about 99% chance correct yes. Now "requires no skill"? Hmmm, I doubt that. It doesn't require any less skill than the sewers. After all pve is fairly simple, you run around and push the buttons at the right time. what's so difficult?....OOOHHHHH the danger of dying! Sewers is infinately more dangerous than forest haven! But that requires more skill? I doubt that......Others said that it only takes "time". that is all, and that "some people can't play 24/7." Ummm, isn't that what this game is? time? I mean, literally everything you do takes time. Perhaps your problem is that Forest haven gives kills QUICKER than the sewers. However, as I already pointed out the top pvers are not, I repeat, not boosters. So what's the big deal?

4. "come right out and say it" Ok, no more beating around the bush. My personal opinion on this matter is as follow: The leaderboard. Notice in my first point I only mentioned the top 5 pvers and pvpers. Aha! If you look at the K/D ratio for both you will find practically ALL boosters. So what does that mean? It means that that leaderboard should be wiped! abolished! destroyed! a;lsfhkj!!.....Ok I lost it...ahem, this is my view on the matter. After all, if my first point is true, then boosting really isn't a problem, except for the "0 death" factor. so if there is no leaderboard to honor this, then who cares?! right? you trackin' with me so far?

5. "A job well done is a job twice done" Ok. If you have somehow disagreed with everything I have talked about. (I hope you didn't ) There is however, one final solution. Make the sewers give 2 kill points for each kill! maybe not 2 xp, but at least 2 kills! For crying out loud don't make it so that all the campaigns are a waste to be played! just make sewers the preferred option! Sounds good eh?

6. "Tacos" Just a quick clarification, I do NOT support pvp boosting. I only briefly mentioned it to show that not much pvp boosting goes on, except in the k/d ratio area, which as I already mentioned, I think should be removed.

7. "Final Destination" So, I realize I've babbled on now for the last 10 minutes or so. It's time to make my final point then you won't hear anymore. (I promise ) Everyone, i repeat EVERYONE I talked to in the game has agreed with me. On the forums? noooooo I said in the game itself. I've had lvl 56s say "hey man nice job! keep it up!" or "dang you are heck good!" or "what in the world? do you hack?" What I'm trying to say is, the idea of "boosting" pve is really not "boosting" at all. It is just another strategy of the game. If it is viewed as unfair, don't remove it, just replace it.

8. "lying lips are an abomination to the lord" Ok I lied...I confess. I have one last thing to say. Referring back to the whole "I dont have 24/7 to play this game" deal. You wanna know why I personally went with twinking pve? Because I don't have time to farm in the sewers! I'll never get the right set because it is SOOOOO expensive. It would take me months to get the right set! oooorrrrrr there's twinking, for like 200-300k instead of 2-3million. (who has that much i mean seriously? well ok not seriously...one guy had like 20 billion or some odd ammount...)

Thank you everyone for taking the time to read this thread! I really hope I didn't stomp on anyone's toes or anything like that. Just thought I'd present the problem and (from what I can see) a better solution than what is currently happening. I pray that you all would reconsider, and for Pete's sake have mercy on us poor people!