Just throwing out some ideas.

1. Allow to zoom in/out character in avatar and inventory. Why? Warriors with big banners don’t fit into window. Rogue sometimes have that issue too. Maybe also allow to rotate 360 degree. Would be nice to inspect (other) players from all angles.

2. Implement a player to player request for help in guild castle. Why? Allows new and struggling players to request help when they don’t have friends, or are in no guild, or when no one in their friend/guild list are available. To entice it, require the person to pay for a fee and pay a reward to complete the request. Add new APs for players fulfilling the request or add a monthly badge for best (1-3?) helper(s) with the most fulfilled requests. I guess initially only allow to set up kill request for elite bosses and have the system track the kill number of elite bosses of the requestor to complete the request.