Dear sir ,
I have noticed by passage of time many old players are quitting
And many are banned at this point . Banning scammers is good
But if there is no player base no matter how hard devs try to fix bugs and minor issues it won't
Help if the the biggest issue at time is not delt with

I suggest these game economic signs to be taken seriously and action be taken while there is still time


Support YouTubers to show games in a beta tests before events
Provide more versatile gear choices not just mythic and soon to come arcanes (i.e way to level up low level arcane gear to 81 good example is spirit gear )
We should learn from success of Albion online and start properly advertising Al (i.e a brand new trailer even if you have to secrafice an events vanities etc for 7 days we the players will support u guys )
This trailer advertising and YouTube adds etc will bring in a new player base and agame will grow

Yours truly
Ign Happydino