I posted a complain that was perhaps a little disrespectful and I apologise, you all surely are working on next event and thank you very much for it.

Loved the Star wars themed event, but something what majes me feel disappoint is the saber mythic item. It deserves a buff (the base dmg over time effect) to be a decent weapon like the mages blaster which work better than the saber.
I mean when apply the dmg over time it should raise in base of warriors str to boost it with the ultimate I think will work fine.

Or rework it make a new effect proc I was thinking in something like all attack or charged attack able to get a stack of dmg raising UP to 4 or 5 times and then no more stacks and during all stacks for proc of 10seconds and each skill or attack damaging mobs closer to the player and mob which got the hit.

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