Quote Originally Posted by Cheackezig View Post
I don't think you understand warrior skills bruv...

Axe throw "meh damage"!??? It's the highest dealing skill a warrior has and one you can't miss in any loadout.

Venge and rally cry jugg duplicates??? Vengeful cry is way different as makes you a damage dealing monster instead of a tanking boi, and rally cry is a war tank skill based on armor, not health and rally cry is a skill for team based play while jugg works on yourself.

Learn the class before discussing it's balance thanks
None of what you said changed my stance, Axe through does the most damage on Warrior, compare to rouge's Aimed shot. The difference between cleave and Axe are not that massive.
Vengeful definitely is a strong buff, it's role is similar to Jugg, both make you more survivable, with Blood trading 40% dmg reduction for large damage. Both are an "I activate my rage" skill.

Rallying Cry is in the same vein of buffing, not as much of a similar skill as Jugg/Blood admittedly. I'm going to make a different thread for this with revisions as this was a quick brain dump of ideas