Let me preface this by saying I am a firm believer that skill and strategies play a more important role than movement speed when speedrunning. Having said that, my movement speed is currently trash and I obviously plan to improve it during awakening event. After reading this post, please dont simply say that I need to get more ms and everything will be solved. I really want to learn specific skills and strategies to improve my runs. Ok now to my post.

I have a goal of farming 42 flawless gems and 10 million pve kills in hauntlet (I will achieve these at the same time with current rates). Right now I use mage with 251% ms and I clear the first room with 13 seconds on the timer and remake, which takes 17 seconds off my jewel elixirs. This translates to around 6,000 kills per hour, 1400 cracked jewels (mind+finesse total after conversion) per hour, and my goal taking around 1,700 hours to complete.

Naturally, I want to speed up this process and get a lot more kills (and therefore jewels) per hour. From my runs I can see that meteors drop after killing certain mages so I kill those ones as soon as possible, then I use the pillar when the meteors drop to not get pushed around. I use arcane sentinel and i dont slot any eggs. I tried using magmaÂ’s ability but could not get it to consistently improve the speed of my runs across 10 hours of testing. Some people told me AOE things can kill enemies before they spawn but I tried timing magmaÂ’s ability in a multitude of ways across those 10 hours and found no consistent way to profit from it (it actually slowed down my runs in a lot of cases).

My questions:
1. Is there any way to make the mobs spawn faster other than what I do already (killing the appropriate mages ASAP)?
2. Is there a way to use magmaÂ’s (or any other petÂ’s) ability to speed up my runs? Maybe I just couldnt figure it out in 10 hours and am wrong.
3. Are there any specific/special strategies someone could help me learn so I can improve the speed of my runs?
4. How much movement speed is required to complete the second room in around 25 seconds?
5. How much movement speed do the leaderboard teams have?

Thanks and my ign is Lea if you want to help me in game.