Quote Originally Posted by Lowlyspy:384467
If it actually went by how many members a guild had then it would probly be anarchists (600+ members [too large in my opinion]) in first and KoC (last i checked 300+ members) in second.)
We are well over 500, and have a ton of people ready to cap soon, and barely anyone is under level 20. Just throwing that out there.. good luck in the friendly competition Pwnies! Although I think recruiting capped players is kinda like taking the easy way out on the leaderboards, as we busted our humps leveling with our guild from day one, not recruiting capped players specifically, but genuinely awesome people instead.

Not saying you guys aren't awesome, but it's pretty darn easy to just start an endgame guild and recruit only capped players. For your guild to go up a spot in the leaderboards just takes one recruit, for us it takes hours of hardcore xp farming. As far as anarchists go, if they do have more members than us (which i doubt), the leaderboard speaks for itself.

With all this being said, I have nothing against either the Pwnies or Anarchists for making a goal and achieving it, whether it be endgame guild, or just recruiting as many people as u can, no matter the level or attitude of the player. I hope to have some solid PvP matches with you, Pwnies. like lowly said, I have a feeling y'all will be a threat in PvP, and the Knights welcome a challenge, but don't mistake kindness for weakness, as we have some real beasts in the ranks Happy Pwning!