Quote Originally Posted by asommers View Post
+ The "Unlocking Summer Fun (Part 1)" Community Goal has been achieved! Talk to Pyralt in Windmoore Tavern to purchase your commemorative banner!
+ Added new achievements:
Collected 5, 10, 20 badges
Collected 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 150 titles
Completed 1, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 daily quests
20, 50 Pets at level cap
+ A limited supply of Arcane Zodias Spirit Pearls will be available in the store this weekend (Aug. 20th and 21st).
+ Zodias Spirit weapons should no longer proc in PvP.
+ The Rogue's "Eating Machine" dagger proc removes Dodge Chance so that all incoming enemy attacks are reflected.
+ Updated Zodias Eating Machine Cannon description to include info about the weapon proc's damage debuff.
+ Rahabkor's minions should go away when he dies.
+ Taa'Nyn's minions should go away when he dies.
+ Added /guildban list command.
how about add more x5 health and health regen for spirit "eating machine" dagger remember rogue are not a tank @asommers.