Quote Originally Posted by Spooked View Post
Im a bit over this “oh the poor new players” its bs.
I have multiple guildies who went from single millions to tens of millions of gold by just running and farming jarl, gradually getting more GL.
Its NOT hard to get a good gl set together and/or farm millions of gold and it wasnt before winter.
The people youre talking about are new players who expect this to be a single player experience where you can beat the game in a few days.
If someone doesnt want to grind to get to the endgame he/she should not play MMO’s
Bruh u are thinking in a very confined space, player retention rate is something that matters , it's just a pain to farm ,farm & farm like a dog to first get a gold loot set , then try making back the gold u spent on it , which takes another few ages, And the multiple guildies u are talking about , from them more than 90% players would be playing from months / they would have gotten rich by platinum offers [Which is not possible for many people in different regions]

If u got to think at a scale , ways to earn gold should be even across the board , so the game remains fair & not so pay to win , it's good for the overall growth of the game.