Im with stank 100%... first.. founder helm was a horrible idea due to low lvl pvp.. second.. a "earned founders helm" is a great idea to me.. and still being able to keep the helm stats is awesome too... id hate to see those hard earned helms just sit..

Imo... percistance set is an absolutely horrible idea... unless.... you get he entire set at that level. I grinded out two 56s legit.. and another at 30 k xp... i would be very disapointed if people that elixired all three to 56 would have an item that i can never get. I bought 2000 plat so i am not a non contributor to the game. I just think 56 should be earned, as well as gear, not bought by the rich..

Love the game.. too much... keep up the excellent work.. and plz leave the best builds and gear acheivable by all.