Would be nice to have some kind of a damage indicator somewhere on the screen showing how much dmg each player is dealing per second.
For example
Abc 500k/s
Bcd 350k/s
Cde 50k/s
Def 13k/s
it would update each second and would show the average dmg/s from the last maybe 5 seconds or so

So something like this
First second: 1m dmg dealt
Second: 200k
Third: 350k
Fourth: 700k
Fifth: 50k
Avg dmg/s from last 5 seconds: 460k

Then when the next second passes
The first second would be removed from the equation of avg and sixth would be added, like this
sixth: 700k
Avg dmg/s from last 5 seconds: 400k

Doesnt necessarily have to be last 5 seconds, maybe 10 or something else to make the dmg/s less volatile

Perhaps there could also be a room for an option for filtering damage on boss only, if that would be any useful for players