Hi, recently i saw tons and tons of ppl are doing and buying gear for a lvl 11-13 char and i saw its getting active each day on event and pvp , so im making this thread to ask for help, tips and i have few questions to ask for a low lvl Warrior char (Lvl 13) i rlly hope someone can help me answer my questions

1)What is the average stats needed if i wanna try do pvp (Str,Armor,Health,Dmg)

2)What pet should i use for pvp (Base,AA,HB)

3)Should i put Standard Fury (+Str) or Standard Chaos (+Dmg) Jewel on my gear

4)What is the skill loadout i should use (if possible i need detailed one like which skillpoint to upgrade,passive etc)

5)What location is good for my war lvl 13 char?

6)Is Para gear really crucial in this lvl?

That was the question that i rlly hope someone can help me answer...tysm for reading until here and tysm in advance for all the comment and reply you posted here it will be highly appreciated