Hello. I'm loving the game. I have some questions. Thanks.

1. Each equipment tab shows 5 slots where loot goes for that type. Your drops go into those slots. I see 5 of those slots, including the equipment piece you have equipped. My question is, if all those slots are filled, will you never get drops of that type? Or are there actually more than 5 slots and you can page down or something?
2. Is there a way to trade items?
3. Is there a way to send items to your other character?
4. Is there a way to select a target before attacking?
5. As an enchantress, I noticed that if you ice-freeze a mob, sometimes it says that he became unfrozen. Is that because I froze him and then attacked him with a fire staff? If I use a different staff that isn't fire and I attack a frozen enemy, will that also unfreeze him even though it's not fire?
6. Has anyone tried the expansion quests/instances? Are they any good?