Quote Originally Posted by Cinco View Post
No it's 15%
Really? Before this nerf, my lowest drop from Elite Rahabkor was 22.7k and highest one was 71k. Now my lowest was like 18.6k and highest one 56k. Before my highest gold drop from chest was exactly 10271 gold, now I don't remember if I had any 7k gold chest. I have 1155 base gl (without pet passives and aa). However, if I were running with pt who use all pet PA and HB, I could feel maybe 15-20% difference from boss, but if we're talking about chests, there's no way that they are nerfed by only 15%. Before I was getting 10k even without my pt, now I can't get a 7k from chest, highwst for now was around 6650 gold (and I'm not getting 6k+ chest in every run, before run I had 8.5-9.5k chests basically in every run)
When I see how much I get per run now and how much I was getting before, it's definitely closer to 30% than 15%.