Quote Originally Posted by Switchback View Post
Events are 100% just running the same map over and over again, what event is not like that? When you cut off the gold supply there are ramifications that follow. Items you loot will not have the same value, while gold farmer wont make as much it does work both ways(Item farmers pay goes down aswell). Player activity will change, as well as attitude towards the game.

It is not going to be all roses, and i feel really bad for those who didnt tale advantage of this boon. They will struggle hard now, if sts did more events like Easter Event where to richest buy from the poorest, things like that help.
Every event has different maps.

The value of an item is relative to other items. If the most expensive item in the game is 100m, then an item worth 70m is still expensive.

If there's low gold in game in general, the low prices will be the new expensive price. It will take a lot of effort to sink all the gold in the game and make the economy healthier.

Again, how would the real world economy look if the money was infinite? It really destroys the value over time.

I never really agreed with gold loot farming, no matter how you look at it. It will always be unhealthy for economy.

This also makes it harder for newer players to get items. By the time a new player farm enough to buy an item, inflation would cause the prices to double.

Events like Easter doesn't remove the gold from the game. Whats stopping the total amount of gold Ingame from reaching 10 trillion? Ever thought what impact that would cause on the economy?

STS could slowly remove gold farm and do more events like Easter to circulate the gold around the community.