Quote Originally Posted by Lim Weibin View Post
Any claims that these people used bots? I have gotten myself 4-5 sets without even needing the use of bots. Seems very controversial how you picture those who have gotten it to be 100% players who used bots to spam click them. Of course, there are people who are & aren't willing to pay 150m for a 400-plat vanity set. I have sold 3 sets for over 100m+ within the first day of store sale. Another point of yours proven wrong, yet again without any proper research done.

Another false claim yet done without any proper look through?

No one wants their vanity sets to be devalued even in generalization. There are far greater issues pertaining to them when it is being added from store-purchased items into token vendors just for the sake of having it as a 'bound' version. If you're saying this should be the point of the case, why not include auras starting from the next goblin event and so on and forth? Doesn't seem like it's any issue right? Or even better, do that for all future events. Seems that shouldn't be any issue at all since you see us/plat users to be 'greedy' and see such bound versions to be a non-deciding factor.

FYI, no one was begging sts to release those vanity sets, those were called 'suggestions' and not a 'begging' nor a 'desperate' comment. Don't you already have some common sense knowing that these sets would soon or rather later be released into their vanity versions since almost other items in the game have already been converted?

How ironic but maybe do more research before commenting, but of course it's just my 2 cents as well.

Doesn’t take an extensive amount of research to know there’s players abusing the use of auto clickers in the store, and i never claimed 100% of people who manage to buy these sets do use bots, just the majority of the ones reselling multiple sets which to any player that isn’t using a bot or auto clicker would seemingly be impossible against the many who are.

As for the architect vanity, if i recall correctly there was a past event (Al Birthday or Forgotten Vanity) that did include bound architect weapon vanities. Since these vanities exist as bound vanity and store purchased vanity, i’m still technically correct on this claim.

I’ll bring another vanity into this topic as an example, Sunday Best vanity Set. During the Easter Egg Hunt Event there was the Sunday’s Best vanity that was available both bound and tradable. Sts has made multiple bound vanities that were also included in lockeds as tradable (which also requires platinum) and that has never impacted the tradable vanities negatively.

You’re free to look through many of those “Suggestions”, and i’m sure you’ll find the never ending “Suggestion” asking for the return of crier and heraldic sets merely because they were too expensive and too rare for any average player to acquire. Call it what you want, but i don’t see the difference when people want the most expensive items without having to get it the same way everyone else has.

This is supposed to be an event that allows these players to do exactly that, yet now are having to race against people using auto clickers and bots. Any sensible person would agree that in order for everyone to fairly get a chance is to add a bound version or to have no quantity limit per sale. This can also be established with any future store-purchasable vanity.