For the last few years, 61-63 has served as one of the last brackets for high end competitive pvp. Away from the issues of endgame pvp in the last few expansions. But, it has become apparent that STS will continue to degrade every twink level with new, extreme proc weapons and semi-frequent gear replacements. These additions completely contradict the appeal of twinking in the first place; To escape the proc plagued disaster of endgame pvp, and to save gold or time by settling at a level where gear changes are much less frequent. With the addition of Vorlish/Orcfire items, and whatever further upgrades STS releases next, 61-63 and most other twink levels will feel no different than endgame. STS has ruined the last few zones for good, skillful, competitive pvp. It's sad, but I choose to cut my losses now and make as much profit from the gear I have spent years perfecting while I still can.
Thanks to everyone I have played with and against over the years! It was extremely fun while it lasted! Good luck to everyone still trying to make these zones work! Now that every level has the same downfalls as endgame, it only makes sense to play the most active option. Unfortunately, this is 81 and eventually 86. I will be gearing up there hoping that STS makes some minor benficial adjustments in the future.