Hey everyone,

I hope you're having a great weekend (and for those in the USA, a great Labor Day holiday). Our holiday, hasn't been that great In a couple of areas around Austin, TX, where Spacetime Studios is at and where I live, wildfires have been burning. It's no wonder, it has been a record hot and dry summer (over 70 something days of 100 degree + heat). Yesterday, we were told we had to evacuate as one of the fires was burning into the housing development where we live.

We're ok, but we could see houses down the hill burning from where we live. Pretty horrific. From all reports our corner of the neighborhood was spared, but they're saying at least 25 homes went up and in neighboring Bastrop County over 300 homes have been lost. Here's a news link: http://www.statesman.com/blogs/conte...e_updates.html

I took a quick video before we got outa dodge. Here's the clip:


Anyway, that's been my weekend. Just another reminder that life is precious - don't waste it, enjoy it as much as you can (and get some good mobile gaming in along the way too )

Yours truely,