I like to play the actual bosses they are funnier that those that get one shot. I almost feel the old vibe of the game and it’s pleasant.

I already told it in another thread but I think the reason why gear under mythic is trash alone is that procs became too overpowered with the damage boost (x2; x3) so ennemies hp have to scale aswel to be fun for op players but it disadvantage the poor and new ones a lot who can only get carried.

For the gold loot I will say that it is an annoying feature. It has a fake image of « equity » when it advantages the richest more and more it’s not relevant to say that it helps new players. At least rng drops are rng and the advantage of op players do no scale as much as with gold loot for it. But let’s say the truth inflation is du too too much gold flowing in not enough gold sink and not enough gear supply but it’s normal that the best gear the kraken is not yield by everyone cause it’s the real best. The problem is that it’s Power is too great and the game is adjusted to it so it feels necessary even if it should not be.

I almost forgot to talk about awaks. This feature gives a real pay to win aspect to the game because some are so scare and only obtainable from elite gems and even with them are too scare. An upgrade should not be that random if it affects the game experience that much cause op awaks may Triple or quadruple your damages that’s too big of a gap for something you pay from gold that you earn easier from real money than from really playing the game from scratch.

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