Just wondered if something like this was possible and if anyone else feels like they could use an option like this.

You know how on pretty much all instant messengers there's an option to be displayed as "Offline" or "Hidden" to your friends? I think a lot of people could take advantage of a feature like this.

For example, I have 500 slots in my inventory. It's full right now. Everyday I take a LOT of time to go through each category and liquidate or stash certain items that I don't need at the moment. This take a lot of time and, while I love most of my friends dearly, some people just want to chat and it's difficult going back and forth between the two. Just as an example.

I hope i'm not coming off as anti-social or like i'm a bad friend. That's not the case and I think those who know me can understand that. Sometimes i'm "busy" doing other things in the game to where I cannot really chat for that moment. Or i'll be away from the keyboard and get messages and later be asked why I never responded to them. Just wondering if something like this could be added to the game. For whatever the reason may be why you would want to be seen as offline, I think it's a fair option.

Or feel free to strike my idea down and kick it around in the dirt until it's dead.