Quote Originally Posted by sarahe484 View Post
I'm having a terrible time unless I have help from better players. I don't get XP for running lower levels.... Vardan is where I start to earn XP (I'm level 75) and the first bad guy kills me... I can't play there at all on my own. It's frustrating. I don't expect it to be easy, but I'm constantly upgrading my weapon/gear as money allows and I cannot earn XP unless someone helps me. I'm getting bored running lower level quests for 90 XP each but that's all I can do on my own. I don't earn XP at festerfang anymore and I can't even run that by myself!! :-(
Use a pet that gives XP/ try to buy or borrow cheap gear with XP awakes/ I havent played in a while but if XP elixers still exist get some/ run daily quests/ dont turn then in until you have done them all/ then equip your XP gear- use elix - make sure you have the xp pet equiped and turn all the quests in. Then run the rest of your XP elix out on a map you can handle that gives you XP. Rinse & Repeat. At least thats the old way of doing things. heck , It been so long since Ive played none of that may not even exist anymore. who knows.