Well, being someone that has ran Top 10 LB a few times, it is very much doable.

You may have to take a week off of work to run the event LB, but... it is doable with a very minimal amount of sleep.

I also high Stats, high MS, and when I ran, I had energy kits and gold for energy kits and plat for energy kits so I wouldn't run out.

It all depends on prep and time you have to run.

Top 50 is also easy for any casual player id they just run event 4-5h/day.

Most good players average 5-7k points / hour.

Top LB players 10-12k/hour.



I know this will probably get lost in the comments but sometimes when I’m home alone I like to go out in my garden and cover myself with dirt and pretend I’m a carrot.