I need some help figuring out how to successfully add damage.

Take Set 1 and Set 2.

Set 2 gives 30 more damage than Set 1 (30 more base damage, 30 more damage in each skill).

Set 1 attacks a player for 100 per normal swing, 200 per slash (let's use Super Mega Slash).

If I use Set 2 with 30 more damage, does that 100 per normal swing become 130? SMS damage becomes 230?

Theoretically, if Set 1 crits with a normal attack, it would do 200. SMS would crit for 400.

If I use Set 2, does that crit become 230? or 260? SMS 430? or 460?

Hope it makes sense, trying to gauge sets on paper without having to do actual testing.

Appreciate the help!