Force Sword: 9% all 150 hp
Kraken Helm: 10% str c/o 75 auto 145
SB armor: 7% str
SB belt: 8% str c/o 250 auto 375
Immo brace: 8% str
SB arti: 6% str
Kraken amulet: 10% str
Divine ring: 9% str c/o 110 auto 170

Kraken aegis: 30% Ms
SB helm: 30% Ms
Kraken armor 30% Ms

Malignant dex set (30% ring 25% amu) (55% Ms total)

Asking autos will be ignored, I’ll decide autos in few days depending on the offers I get, or I’ll just sell them if good offers .

Housemail ~ Heat

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