So i was driving home from the grocery store (with, u guessed it, groceries). There i was just minding my business drivin down owens and my 2001 explorer (this is an important factor) starts to smoke, so i stop on the side of the road thinking "oh must be a problem with my radiator" ohhh boy was i wrong. I open up the hood and end up with a face full flames (no my face did not catch fire xD) i immediately drop the hood and run to my trunk, grab my fire extinguisher and put out the fire. A good semaritan helped me push my car to the nearest mechanic (many thanks to helpful people) and the mechanic starts checking out my car. Guess what i found out, there are 3 recalls on my "exploder". Guess what one of those recalls are for, yup you guessed it the car randomly bursting into flames.

haha u didnt think my story was over yet did you? When i finally managed to get home all my ice cream was melted, sooo today was interesting to say the least lol