The only reason I'm considering sticking around to keep playing is for pvp. I never got in to it on PL cause I have garbage luck and never got any good money to afford good twink gear. However, since it seems to me that the current platinum gear is more suited towards pvp (in general...), which level group will be the most popular upon pvp's release?

I currently have a lvl 20 operative twink...yes it's a stretch to call them twinks now because the best gear is green at this level...and there's basically only 2 sets to choose from...However, I spent a good amount of time comparing the best gear at lvl 20s, 25, and 30...and found that for an operative, lvl 20 is the best level to begin pvp at.

This is speaking from an operative's perspective. I haven't looked in to the other classes yet. I'm not going to go into detail as to why lvl 20 is the best unless someone disagrees. I'm curious as to what the rules of joining a game would be...because then there's a lot more to consider...aka can a 25 join a lvl 20's game...lvl 22 - 20 would be interesting and I'd have to look into what skills (If any) unlock in these levels for all classes.

So yeah random thoughts all jumbled together...