Farmhouse is a guild I have recently discovered and created. Farmhouse is college fraternity in some Greek campuses across our country. Our main goals are loyality, honesty, and most of all fellowship, and friendship. Our guild in pocketlegends is all about friendship, farming, fun, some Pvp, and even whole guild wide Ctf games.

CO LEAER:looking for a person who's right by my side and is faithful to the guild

OFFICERS: looking for 3 loyal, accountable, character showing guys to fill these three positions.

MEMBERS: looking for quality in our members. I few guild requirements include- must be level 50+,must play pocketlegends at least 2 hours a day. And lastly fit in with the other guildians.

I'm hoping this guild will prosper and we will have very much fun as a guild. Please post if your interested in joining and I will have an interview with you in game.
That's all for now players, sincerly, cowboyvip, apocket