I have made a new guild for the elite players. <Elite Death Squad> is the name dominating on runs is our game. In this guild we only allow players who are lvl25+. Still want to join, but aren't lvl25+? Don't worry we put you in our branch guild the <Goonsquad> there we help you get to lvl25 and join us in the main guild. We don't like drama at all, so drama causing members will be booted. If you'd like to join just leave your ign or add me my main(leader of EDS) is Javiermadriz, or if you aren't lvl25 but still want to join just add javierfour(leader of Goonsquad). We are a new guild but are aiming to be one of the best! We are active, helpful, and we are very kind^_^. If you have any further questions just leave a reply and I'll be happy to answer.