First problem:

That little heart shaped golden thing on top right corner that shows the messages so annoying!!I had 304 unlicked friend requests and I had to delete one by one...and THANNN I get another friend request and it pops up again except this time in pvp.

Also seems some kind of glitch but its something to do with that same popup box but sometimes you cannot scroll/change your directions, it like freezes in same direction until i click on menu and exit..

BTW, I don't see the logic behind the new click on chat interface, how are NEW PLAYERS going to know to click on that? Also the text part says Do not show password...It should atleast say type here..Please BRING BACK THE SMALL TEXT BUTTON.

EVERY TIME I PVP OR PVE, I accidentally click on the TEXT and it pops up and massively screws me up.

Also the HP / MANA are so little.
