I'm struggling with all the merching it's soooooo staged - if I wanted I reckon I could have this conversation over 100 times a day.

"S) Something"
Enter trade with merchant............ wait.............
"PM - How much you want?"

I provide a reasonable offer......


Trade aborted.........

Back to home screen Merch instantly self promoting
"S) Something"

*Patsoe Shrugs shoulders* PM Merch Then why not say what you want for it?

Either I get no reply with anything sensible, because they know they cant rip me off - or a whole heap of nonsense, mainly aggressive or condesending abuse.

Post message to room with offer - player leaves, but secretly somewhere the sneaky merch will be back tricking some poor old player.

This is soooo very grey area...

Anyone have any better suggestions to deal with this kind of behaviour?