I am a level 47 character who had stopped Pocket Legends since after the Christmas Event in 2010; excuse me, if I had missed any magnificent changes. I am also using translation engine to help me in English, please, bear with me.

Now, on the to the issue. The new interface in Pocket Legends is inconvenient. I use iPhone/iPod for Pocket Legends. iPad have bigger screen - there may be no issue about what I will state next. I am uncertain about Android's screen solution to Pocket Legends.

Here are the sections:

*Reminder: This is feedback from iPod/iPhone only.*

Expand/Contract spell book icon location:

You may notice it is slightly behind the Health Potion on iPod/iPhone. How is this inconvenient? When we are spamming our health potion trying to survive, it sometimes tap on the expand/contract spell book. Instead of tapping health potions, you keep tapping on expand and contracting the spell book. This happens to me every time I try to spam my health potions.

Solution: relocate the expand/contract spell book icon to where it used to be - top right corner - to remove the miss-tapping chances for iPod/iPhone users.

Quest check mark box (located directly above our virtual joystick):

I love the idea, but there are some issues. Yes, again, about miss-tapping. Try to push down your virtual joystick and see how wide the circumference around the circle is. Now, try to move joystick where the quest check mark box is - it is now slightly overlapped. It is now not a major issue as I had stated above, but it is quite annoying. Everyone one of us has different thumb shape and size, also, when tapping, the accuracy of thumb location is not always precised.

Solution: move the quest check mark icon underneath the menu interface to decrease the chance of miss-tapping, and simply add an option to remove the quest check mark icon. I'm sure there are people who find it useful/not useful.

Public chat box interface:

There are many issues with this. The whole public chat expands to the fullest when the interface is activated. This make it a blind spot for the whole screen! What if some of us don't want to have it expanded all the way? Perhaps just to type "Yes", or "No" (not saved in quick chat) and not be taken up by the whole screen?

When we want to see the above messages (arrow up icon in the chat interface), it cannot be tapped if you have the Manage Friends interface activated. If you had manage to clear all your new friends requests and tap the arrow up, you still can't tap the arrow down! Why? It is because your attacking spells, circular icons are blocking the arrow down in chat interface. There is no way to tap on the arrow down to see the new messages. Please, fix this.

Solution: Return the old status of chat interface. If you have the chat box expand, when click on public chat, it'll also expand. If you have the chat box minimized, when tap on the public chat, the chat box will also be minimized. Keep the public chat box the way it is in its previous status.

Fix the bug on the attack spells icons when public chat box is active. The friend management icon also block the arrow up completely. The attack spells completely blocks the arrow down icon, too.

Last, but not least, the Friends management interface:
It is a nice feature, but it is quite pointless to me. It appears every where; your loading screen, public chat interface (also a bug), etc.

Solution: Relocate some where else on the screen. Under the menu seem to be the best place to reduce miss-tapping for iPod/iPhone screen - since the screen is small.

Suggestion: Add a float out interface when tap on the Friends management icon, instead of redirect to the Friends Tab in the menu. Then, again, the programmers may put this some where we can miss-tap them.