Quote Originally Posted by cynic View Post
justb thats really helpfull ty. no i never made any friends ur right.
I use the word CHEAT and now its my personality??
@ justb from all ppl i know in this game and all ur helpfull things here on the forum this is what u come up with??? really disapointing

sick twist in this story seems. all the time its my personality man really.
touch the potions and its some ones personality?

so when i have a good personality cheating my way thru a game isnt that bad thats what u r saying.

really ?????? man ive learned something here

up to the store to buy some potion to boost my personality and since im at it i get some botox to make all complete.
Cynic, I think you have to realize that the tone of your post leading to this response likely caused quite a few people to consider it a flame. Remember Jaytb agreed with many of your points in your original post, but admitted (like me) to regularly using elixers. You just called me, Jaytb, our friends, and many people in the game CHEATERS. You also said we are adults playing a child's game (because me, Jaytb, and many, many friends are adults and enjoy this game as avid gamers).

With that kind of tone, I am sure you didn't expect everyone to have a positive reaction to your post. Jaytb responded in a way considerably less harsh than your post toward him, myself and many many readers of these forums.

As to your actual point about "cheating" our way through a game using elixers, I still strongly disagree. I think you are forgetting that this game has been around over a year. It is populated with many players that started at the beginning and leveled there way to 56 before the current elixer rage. They spent months and months building gold stashes, gear stashes, and learning how to play. As an aside, Jaytb is a skilled player in all three classes and I know this from personal experience.

To now lump everyone that uses an elixer together as a bunch of button mashing cheating noobs just isn't correct. There will always be people that don't know how to play their toon correctly. Perhaps elixers make it easier to hide those kinds of mistakes now. But in no way do elixers allow players to buy there way to the top. It still takes time, effort, (and if you use elixers) money to max out toons and outfit them with top of the line gear.

It rather sounds like you have had a bad experience with inexperienced players acting superior because of good gear or elixers and are now taking it out on everyone assuming everyone is all the same.

Jaytb's advice was actually very correct. The solution to this is to develope a good friend list, join a guild of like minded people, and play with those friends in locked instances. It allows you to play and enjoy the game how you like it. And if that isn't enough perhaps this game isn't for you. I hope that isn't the case, but as I said earlier, this game is suppose to be fun. Your fun and others don't have to be the same, but you do have to be ok with others having fun in the ways they choose to play the game.