I have never lost to a bowbear since hitting 45. I think a lot has to do with the fact that I have more skills points to power up my damage and increase my survivability. Also the fact that am using a talon and a shield helps increase my survivability. Talon bears on the other hand are a different case, if I crit or they make a mistake - down they go, but against skilled players this is unlikely. I face a greater challenge taking down Paladins these days because of their nuking spells. Tank Bears are not an issue if am in a group of Birds - its Cruel Blast FTW! Also has Cruel Blast been underpowered? It use to more often completely kill my opponent or take away 70% at least but now it does 50% the most. Could using a talon be the reason? or has there been some changes by the Devs? but the concept behind the bird is "I kill you before you kill me"