How would it work out?

The build I would assume best is

6 6 0 1
0 0 0 6
6 0 6
(Leech or Pain at 5 if your still grinding 30)

Let alone the amazement other players would have your not spamming empathy, but that's not the point...

How well as a damage dealing build would this do. I'm pretty close to this on my Engineer except I'm still 616'd. I feel like dropping my support to just do damage would have surprisingly effective results!

Now I know, why not just be an operative?
Well most of us have alts so I can just play my operative but I personally don't like its play style. But also I can interchange back to pure support or hybrid support, or hybrid tank, or w/e I can come up with. Whats not to love, so I ask you why aren't you an Engineer? lol

Has anyone tried something like this? If so how did it go?