Okay, so I have taken the time to highlight the sides of each argument. They are detailed below, just for clarification purposes.

I. Discontinued Items should not remain discontinued!
-It allows new players not to feel left out and feel as though they don't have a chance.
-Brings in more revenue for STS.
-It puts everybody on the same playing field.
-Not everybody buys them, those that want to can.
-It allows players to get that one item that they were there for, but were too preoccupied to catch.

II. Discontinued Items should remain discontinued!
-It insults older players if the items are once again sold.
-The item is a memoir of the past, allowing players to reminisce of what once was.
-It makes STS appear greedy, selling old items for a quick buck.
-It tears down creativity.

My personal stance? Even after missing a few of the items which I was present for, I do not wish for them to be brought back. This game does not embody communism as far as I know, let's keep it as such. The vanities don't even serve a particular advantage over others, in fact some of them serve a disadvantage! Thus, let dead items rest in peace and be glad for the players that have them. I know I enjoy seeing items which I don't have and just respecting the players that have them. Just my 2 rupees though.