Currently the marketplace only has one directional market activity. Those with goods put up items on the market for sale for a set price. There is a small fee per item to list items on the market. There is also a large fee (in USD) to use the market at all for any significant selling, which just hurts the market, in my opinion.

I would like to see 2 changes, one big, one small:

Small change:

1. dramatically reduce the cost of using the marketplace.

Big change:

2. allow trades to go in the other direction. Let people put in buy orders for specific items. The person putting in the buy order would have to pay upfront the entire bounty offered for the requested item plus a token fee to use the market. If the request is filled, the person who puts in the buy order gets the item, the person who filled the order gets the money. If the listing completes before the request is filled, the person who put in the buy order can be notified and either pay to relist or cancel the order and get a refund on the bounty (not the fee).

It's a little complicated and has it's own set of issues, maybe someone else can help figure out how to work through that.