As of late, I have noticed a whole lot of arguing and hatred towards other players and it has resulted in players being banned and feuds being started generally over pvp. However some of it has been really effecting the quality of interactions with other players. Early on it was a much more friendly game, no one really seemed to hate anyone, now it seems to have completely flipped around. More and more players now exist and whether this has contributed to these occurrences I do not know, what I do know is all this arguing and hatred towards other players need to stop. It's deconstructive to the work so many people have done and are proud of and will not make anyone seem any better in the end. I am asking everyone involved in many recent events to end this hatefulness towards the other players and enjoy the game, don't take it so seriously and if someone is giving you a hard time just ignore them or don't listen to them, there's no reason for all this and it has to stop.