Quote Originally Posted by Apollo View Post
I really like this program, but people are going to have to realize all those who want to be a member also have to take on the challenges. I realized how frustrating it can be to explain to new players in detail on how to do the quests for Halloween event after attempting it last night. New players aren't familiar with the interface or the maps. Thus, you have to spoon feed them. Sure, it's fun after the first few, but I'm anxious to know who will actually have the energy to do it as a daily task. I have tried to do it, it's definitely tough work and you have to learn to keep your calm.

I also noticed some qualities that people are going to need. For example:

-Clear and Understandable English
-Grammar! No short abbreviations, as it can confuse the new players.
-More grammar, being able to give help not only emphasizes on information but also on the effectiveness to transmit knowledge.
-Level Headedness. If a new player just isn't getting it, you can't explode on them. (I remember how difficult that was! LOL)

Just a few thoughts
Keep trying u will b able to not explode. I stopped exploding a while ago and now start to give tour every once in a while to allow them to know where everything is most(as cascade said) will ignore me even if I tell them how to talk and u know they r new by the way they just wander around aimlessly.