On that one saturday i was thinking, why not make a guild? So i tried to make money but i only made 2000k in half an hour. Then i told my friend ******** about my problem, then she decided to help, making 150c every 5mins. Suddenly a big 7000c came out of her to make the guild. FINALLY THE GUILD COULD BE MADE!

I decided on the name vampyricslayers because i was going to make a manga on it but i was no good artist....back to fhe story

Once my guild was made i asked some of my friends if then wanted in but all i got was ******* and ******. We tried to get members but all we could get was level 15- coming and leaving because we didnt have a guild hall.

I heard a wierd luagh behind me it was that stalker ********.
I asked him
"want to join?" and all i got was
But then.......
******** - the second in command- bought guild hall tier 2....but then she made her own guild called <german elite>

So then i asked ******** (the stalker) if he wanted to join
"NO YOU DONT HAVE TIER 3! HA HA HA HA!" he replied.
My friend irl noticed me playing SL 24/7 wherever i was at uni, at home ETC so he decided to buy me the galaxy penthouse (guild hall tier 3) but... I had to buy him takeaway before uni for a week.
And then the guild began to grow!
But that stalker ******** still said
"NO HAHAHA" as you could tell he wa hyper.... The end

This took me 10mins to write and the people in stars you know who u are and ******** (the stalker) sorry if this has offended you..