Having multiple high level characters that are not at the most recent level cap, I have come to the realization that they sit in my character list doing nothing but look pretty in their level 50, 55 gear I have only one twink for farming level 10 gear (which is woefully depressing due to drop rates ) and so I thought, "What if I had level 20, 30, 40 characters too?"

The obvious answer is to make another character...but what if instead of paying 5 Plat for making a new character I could pay 15 Plat (or some other number) to scale down a character? The requirements could be that the character has to be level capped (so STS doesn't lose money from people not buying elixirs) or have a certain number of kills, etc. This way, players don't need to have an obscene number of characters to scroll through and don't have to stress about thinking of another name (lol).
