Since i cant afford Platinum, i thought of making my own Clan (same thing as Guild) that benifits PL,this is gunna be a 5player clan (maybe someday extended, so dont worry if ur not able to be our future member) we like to keep it nice and professional, plus its easier to organize things when theirs only a few members.

Right now its only drserg and I, and were searching for 1mage and 2warriors. Any lvl welcome.
the point of this is to make a clan of friends that go to Forest Haven &/or Dark forest to welcome the new players,Give them good tips and advise,help them lvl, give them a reasonable amount of money to start their journey(Optional),answer any questions they have, and send them to a good helpful Guild or to ur curreent guild. So basically the point is to help out our new & future players!

so plz post ur IGN (In Game Name) & if ur Warrior, Mage, or Archer.
remember we kinda want a mix of each kinda player so we want 1 more mage (since drserg is mage), 2warriors, and 1Archer(me)

so plz come and apply, and join us in our helpful PL clan (we really havent gotten the name yet, still working on it if u have any question about that relate to PL or this thread plz post below or PM me my IGN is Chisk.
happy lvling!