How's it going everyone? I'm Thad. I started playing a little over a month and a half-a-month ago. I'd had PL since it released, but never got into it. At the time, I was playing WoW so most of my gaming time those days was spent there. A while later, I was updating all of the apps on my Iphone and found out about Star Legends. The idea of a space combat and such intrigued me more than animals in medieval times did(I'd just come off playing ME1 and 2.) So I downloaded it and liked how it was a chill downtime game.

So I just wanted to say sup and hope y'all are doing well. My main is Taliala...well kinda. She's a 36 op. My other characters are Bakadoosh and Funshine. 36 comm and 35 engi, respectively. All of them are in the guild Independents. Feel free too add me and don't feel bad if I don't accept. That just means I have not checked my requests yet. Just don't try to engage trade with me randomly or ask me for credits. I dun like that! > Well, I'll see y'all in game. Take care yo!