Soooo...i maxed out to 36, and this game is
I've now had time to think about what is missing and I've come up with the folowing ideas.. Some are re-hashes some are different to other posts.
1. RIVET aka the rat... Even though it is pretty, it is kind of useless. Why not treat as an upgrade in the weapons creator for 20K credits and allow it to deflect fire or attract enemies. At least give it a semblance of usefulness, and in future different pets with different powers.
2. The weapons you buy in the store should be returnable at half price, or allow a rentals program. Otherwise people will stop buying them.
3. Once you start doing xp runs and you have no more missions, it gets a little repepative and (dare I say it) boring. Maybe the levels should have a degree of randomness with secret rooms that move and premium drops in them so you always have something to look for.
4. Special events rooms. Like in Holloween, if there had for 24 hours on that day been a room created with either a tiny mini quest, or just different enemies it would have allowed far more interaction between the levels and guilds. I have found it fun to go down to the lower levels and meet new players.
5. Implants. You should be able to stack implants. Maybe 3 deep.

Oh and yes definitely a fave friends list pleaaasse

I have. A few more ideas but they may need to be distiller first. Thanks for an awesome game.