Quote Originally Posted by thequickone View Post
My suggestion: Use the report command ("/report playername", or something like it...) to report them. To see the full list of commands, type "/" into general chat. You can also see how the function works by typing the function without being followed by a player name, which will trigger the system to give you a mini-explanation of the function's proper format. Now even the most clever scammer can be reached by the almighty ban-hammer!

If all else fails, STS support is the end-all, and should be able to help straighten out even the most crooked of spammers, clever or not. And as you have already mentioned, screenies help immensely!

Hope this helps!
This. The /report playername function works for reporting a player regardless of being able to click on an avatar, so no need to look for them. Of course, an email to support with a time and screen shot probably gets the point across faster.

Most of all - Thank You - for taking the time to report it and making the game better for everyone. Too many people just ignore this type of thing thinking someone else can report it. The reality is that it just gives that person more time to potentially scam someone else.

Also, if you really want to see if the person is in your zone, you can use the /who command and get a list of all the current players in your zone. Just as an fyi.