Hi, I'm Riceyy in game, I used to post here a while ago, like 6 months ago or so but then I quit the game completely cause I got fed up of grinding solo so often. I picked the game up again the other day and have been playing it nearly every night since, partly to kill my phone's battery but mainly, because this game is BRILLIANT now!

Seriously, for the casual player it couldn't be better! I can log in, go straight to the last dungeon I was in, nine times out of ten (at the time I play) there will be others in that instance and you're off! The UI is amazing, how they've managed to fit so many features of a full sized MMO into a tiny little phone screen.. and I love the animation you get when you join a new instance. You guys have definately got the belt and braces with this.

The only thing I would say, is get more vanity items up in the cash shop, because I don't begrudge spending money on this game at all, in fact I'm more than happy to support it