Been contemplating whether a good gaming laptop (eyeing Razer Blade, but meh on price) or a good gaming desktop is the right choice.

I'm leaning more towards the laptop since it gives me portability. I'm a student, currently living in a rented apartment, so a desktop seems a bit too constrained.

I was told to get a laptop but use an external monitor though. Anyone have experience on this? I could see it working, but wouldn't the laptop have to be in front of the monitor, therefore obstructing and distracting your view to the monitor? If you push the laptop to the side, there goes your keyboard with it. Or is it possible to use an external keyboard as well?

Ultimately, is it possible to use a laptop just as a processor while using an external monitor and keyboard? I'm thinking, games on the big screen while browser, chatting, etc on the laptop screen.

In need of tech-sperts Thanks.